Singing Guide: Lake Street Dive

Singing Guide: Lake Street Dive

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Lake Street Dive is a band known for their bluesy-pop and soulful sound. Their unique vocal technique combines influences from jazz, pop, and R&B, resulting in an electrifying performance. In this article, you will learn how to sing like Lake Street Dive's leading vocalist Rachel Price.

To sing like Rachel Price, it's important to develop a strong breath support system. This involves proper sitting posture and hydration to avoid a dry throat. In addition, Rachel Price is known for her dynamic range and precise pitch. You can develop a stronger pitch by practicing with Singing Carrot’s Pitch accuracy test. You can also work on achievable goals by finding songs in your range with Singing Carrot’s Song search tool.

Rachel Price’s powerful voice is showcased in Lake Street Dive’s songs such as “Good Kisser” and “Dude”. In “Bad Self Portraits”, she delivers a smooth and controlled performance with a perfect blend of emotion. In “You Go Down Smooth”, you can practice proper breath support and power as you hold out notes and match Rachel’s inflections.

Singing Carrots offers numerous articles and exercises to help you improve your voice and gain confidence in your singing abilities. The articles on Open mouth and throat, Breath Support, Voice Registers & Vocal Breaks, and Chest Voice are particularly helpful. You can also try Singing Carrots Pitch Training and Vocal Range Test to enhance your pitch control and find your unique vocal range.

Learning to sing like Rachel Price is a process that requires patience, dedication, and practice. The Singing Carrots platform offers tools to help you develop proper technique, find your voice, and enhance your skills. By incorporating Rachel Price’s singing techniques, practicing her songs, and utilizing Singing Carrots resources, you will be on your way to developing a soulful and electrifying voice like Rachel Price of Lake Street Dive.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.